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Отзыв о зимних каникулах в Англии: "Host family and the weather made my trip unforgettable"

Отзыв о зимних каникулах в Англии: "Host family and the weather made my trip unforgettable"

A trip to the UK was my American dream, so I was totally happy to have such a nice experience.

During the trip there was only one disappointment. It’s London. By the way, the weather was good, but, unfortunately, Big Ban and the Westminster Palace were covered by scaffolds. To my regret, I hadn’t known about it before the trip. And obviously, one day is a very short period of time to spend it in London.

In spite of this, a school, a host family and the weather made my trip unforgettable. Special thanks to our nice teacher Laurence and an outgoing host Mrs.Spencer. Moreover, I want to note very tasty British cuisine. There was no dish, which I wouldn’t like.

The lessons also were interesting and unusual: we talked a lot, played games, made a lot of exercises. What’s more the lessons introduced me British culture and traditions.

The weather was magnificent too. Green grass, the sun and a light wind have accompanied us all days.

To sum all up, this trip was a real adventure. Indeed, I’d like to visit the UK one more time and even more. If I had a chance, I’d like to move there to have a permanent place of residence. I also want to travel around the country and visit Ireland as a comparison with England. And, of course, travelling to the USA might be a good experience, too.

Елизавета Цыброва, 18 лет
Сыктывкар Bury Language School
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